Lucee Price


“I’m not sure why I just shared all of that with you” is a comment I have heard many times in my life and is one of the reasons I chose mental health counseling as a profession. When someone who is hurting senses they are in the presence of another who is truly curious about and accepting of them, they feel seen and understood. This is where healing begins.

Teens through young adults journey through uncharted paths that can lead to confusion, anxiety, and despair. I specialize in working with teens through young adults who struggle with suicide ideation, self-harm, Borderline Personality Disorder, and have years of experience working with those in addiction.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) are my main treatment methods and are both backed by years of research studies showing their effectiveness in therapy. As a DBT informed therapist, I work with teens, adults, and families in their healing process.

When I am not sitting with others, you might find me at the beach, engaged in thought provoking books, enjoying a good laugh and coffee with a friend, and occasionally training for half-marathons.